Good day folks,
Due to internet unreliability issues I am unable to go into great lengths about the company RIA Financial Services, nevertheless I am super excited to share with you the most interesting tidbits.
This money transfer company was founded in the United States, and has grown extensively worldwide especially in Africa. They pride themselves on being a better alternative to Western Union, as they provide the same money transfer transactions for a whole lot less. The company website: provides an in-depth overview of the different services they provide as well as their African locations. It is my understanding that they are present in fifty (50) countries in Africa.
THE BOSSES On my recent trip to Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, I happened to be on the same flight as the Managing Director of Ria Financial Services – Africa, Mr. El Hadj Malick Seck, as well as his European counterpart Mr. Manuel Villena Raventos. The bosses of this company are a dynamic bunch, and by the end of my trip they almost persuaded me to come work for their company at their African headquarters based in Senegal – an attractive offer which I have mused on and definitely considering. I found the execs to be highly inspirational as they both in some point in time studied and lived in the United States, but decided to return to their homelands as they believed better prospects awaited them there. Therefore as a result of their personal experiences they are eager to recruit skilled professionals in the Diaspora to work in their Africa offices.
So folks, if you are interested in a position with Ria Financial Services, please reach out to the Managing Director as follows:
Mr. El Hadj Malick Seck Managing Director – Ria Financial Services Africa email: phone: 221-338590890
P.S: It wouldn’t hurt to say I referred you…..will be very glad to vouch for you, just drop me a line 🙂