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Writer's pictureJuanita CEESAY

Unit Conversions: You’re Not in Kansas Anymore, Know Your Metric Conversion

Hello Folks,

I’m sure you already know this but I all the same wanted to reiterate the fact that almost all countries in Africa follow the Metric Conversion Scale!

If you are like me, and grew up in the United States, you would probably understand my dilemma in that it is all rather confusing. Since the US follows the English Conversion Scale, ie pounds, gallons, feet, etc. I had to quickly learn how to convert temperature – weight – height – area- and volume using the metric system. It took awhile but I have finally gotten it, so thought i’ll share the 411 on quick rules for converting from one metric scale to another.

DISTANCE & LENGTH (Miles and Kilometers)

The formula to convert distance in miles to distance in kilometers and vice-versa is as follows:

(distance in miles X 1.6) = distance in kilometers

e.g: 15 miles X 1.6 = 24 kilometers

(distance in kilometers * 0.6) = distance in miles

e.g: 24 kilometers * 0.6 = 15 miles

TEMPERATURE (Celsius and Fahrenheit)

The formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa is as follows:

*Celsius X 1.8 + 32 = *Fahrenheit

e.g: 35*C X 1.8 +32 = 95*F

(*Fahrenheit -32) X 1.8 = *Celsius

e.g: 95*F – 32 X 1.8 = 35*C

WEIGHT (Kilograms and Pounds)

The formula to convert Kilograms to Pounds and vice versa is as follows:

(Kilograms X 2.2) = Pounds

e.g: 55kg X 2.2 = 121pounds

(Pounds /2.2) = Kilograms

e.g 121 pounds / 2.2 = 55kg

OR………if you’re not in the mood to learn the mathematical conversions, you can also check out Unit Conversion apps on iphone and android. However, I think learning how to convert in your head is pretty cool 🙂

That’s all Folks,

Peace & Love Always!

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